New Year is the best time to inspire ourselves with resolutions, wishes, new goals, and opportunities.

New Year's Resolutions for Happier Living Rafael Lodos/Unsplash
January is the right time to set out your intentions and start making your new resolutions- to create something "fresh and new", to improve and make a change.
Although everyone is still in a period of uncertainty due to the global pandemic, it's better to plan and mark new destinations according to your new priorities and the 'new normal'.
Bear in mind that even if not all goals are realized, the important thing is to go with the flow and know that everything will work out the way for the best.
"I love beginnings.
If I were in charge
of calendars,
every day would be
January 1. And."
— Jerry Spinelli
The history behind the tradition of resolutions
In 2000 B.C., the Babylonians started this tradition during Akitu; a 12-day festival celebrating the New Year. They aspired to plant crops, crown their king, and, most importantly, return borrowed farm equipment.
Later on, this tradition of making new resolutions every new year was adopted by the ancient Romans for their own New Year.
How Resolutions Have Changed
While new decisions are individual to each person and vary from year to year, there are fundamental factors that can change everyone's priorities, such as a global crisis and the pandemic that instantly turned the lives of many people around the world completely upside down.
Resolutions are also an outgrowth of one's status and financial wealth.
From data and statistics collected over the past few years, most of the resolutions are recurring: health, fitness, financial status, and professional and personal development.
Due to the Covid-19 that caused social distancing and the global economic crisis in which people lost their jobs, people wanted to start off the new year 2021 on the right foot to make their lives better.
According to YouGov, the top resolutions for 2020 among Americans were: exercising more (50%), saving money (49%), eating more healthily (43%), and losing weight (37%).
A new report from Statista Global Consumer Survey shows that the most popular resolutions for 2021 focused on exercising and losing weight (44%) and eating more healthily (42%) while spending more time with family and friends was also significant (34%) because of the quarantine.
New Year's resolution ideas
There are people with long lists who achieve many of them, while others with far fewer ideas are unable to succeed at all. But most resolutions are common to many people around the world.
'The beginning is the most important part of the work.' —Plato
Here is a list of the top New Year's resolution ideas to help you plan and kick off your fantastic year 2021:
#1 Healthy eating
Eating a rainbow of different colored fruits and vegetables is the healthiest way to get a variety of nutrients. Be consistent with the 3 meal times to develop regular eating patterns as consistency helps your digestive system know what to expect.
Slow down while eating and savor each bite as a study showed that slow eaters are 42% less likely to be obese.
Drink enough water to hydrate your body properly and help you lose weight.
Use a little more water in your daily life, and you can keep track of your water intake with some great ways and apps.
#2 Keeping fit- exercise more and sit less
Find motivation to move more and make it a habit. Take more frequent breaks and double your time outside to get more vitamin D by spending 20-30 minutes a day in direct sunlight.
This year set your fitness goals, and be sure to outline them in detail.
There are some simple ways to help you get started: grab the leash, walk your dog in the park, go out with your kid/spouse for a stroll, tune into fitness podcasts while walking, and always take the stairs instead of the elevator.
#3 – More time with family and friends
It's essential to maintain your social connections and nurture your relationships to have better mental health. During social distancing, you can have a zoom meeting or go online for coffee chats to share your thoughts and support each other.
#4 Take control of your finances
Taking control of your finances is always essential, but it's crucial, especially during uncertain times like today. It would be best to evaluate what you have, set goals, and recalculate your finances according to the new situation. Then, figure out what you can and want to do in 2021.
Be specific, set a monthly budget, and keep track of your expenses diligently
Use a Monthly Budget Template to track income, savings, bills, and debts.
#5 Improve your business & learn new skills
It's an excellent opportunity to promote your business or move forward to get your dream job to make your life better.
Get in touch with your creative side, learn a new skill, language, or hobby – do things that inspire you!
Make a list of the things you want to learn and start today as Covid-19 taught you that there's no tomorrow anymore but TODAY!
Sharpen your skills to explore new horizons and deepen your passions.
Take some courses online, learn by reading professional articles with great tips.
Invest in Yourself today for a much better tomorrow!
It is not on the list but it is always crucial to give back and contribute to the community as a way of life because it has great value in supporting others, and will enrich your life too.
How to keep up with your new goals
It is well known that once the fresh new year's glow blows over, people struggle to keep up with their resolutions.
Studies have shown that only 8% of Americans who make a New Year's resolution accomplish them throughout the year and 80% have failed by the start of February.
“We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them.” – Hillary DePiano
How to make your goals more achievable
Resolutions for the New Year are more effective than commonly believed, but you should know how to make this happen.

Yearly Planner | Karolina Grabowska/Pixabay
Resolutions have to be realistic and specific enough to make them SMART goals.
Create a list of sub-tasks to keep on track, start small, and focus on one goal at a time.
Use planners, templates, technology/reminder apps to help you keep your resolution.
Be ready to make changes gradually and stay positive.
Leave some room for mistakes and setbacks.
Most importantly, believe in yourself, keep moving, and remember that the key is consistency no matter what. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.
New Year's resolutions are exciting but not easy to implement over time as reality shows that by mid-February people have usually forgotten them.
The best way is to focus on one thing and select your goals wisely with great intention; then, you can face them every day with determination and consistency.
Fulfillment of your resolutions -most or part of them - brings about enormous satisfaction, and always remember that the journey there is the most important.
So, go ahead and let's make 2021 memorable and different.
Happy New Year & Good Luck!